Academy Attendance

What are the attendance procedures and policies?

Academy Attendance Reporting

If your child attends an Academy course, all absences must be excused BOTH at their high school (base school) AND the Academy. 

Three ways to report academy attendance: 

If you do not notify the Academy office beforehand, please send a note with your student on his or her first day back or email the Academy office.

All students attending the Academy from a high school other than Marshall High School will be required to wear their student ID badge.

Students are expected to attend all classes and arrive on time for each class.  Academy students and parent or guardians are expected to comply with these FCPS attendance policies at the Academy just as they do at their base school.

If you know your student will be absent ahead of time for any reason, a  Pre-arranged Absence Form - ACADEMY.24-25.pdf  must be completed and returned to the Academy office as soon as possible.

After the 2nd day following an absence, if the Academy office has not received a written or verbal explanation from a parent or guardian, the absence becomes unexcused.

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Inclement Weather Procedures

Marshall Academy students will follow the Marshall High School schedule for any schedule changes.

Two-Hour Delayed Opening

  • Periods 1 & 2 (a.m.) -- shuttles are cancelled
  • Periods 3 & 4 (mid-day) -- shuttles are cancelled
  • Period 6 & 7 (p.m.) -- shuttles run at normal times 

Two-Hour Early Closing

  • Periods 1 & 2 (a.m.) -- shuttles run at normal times
  • Period 3 (mid-day) -- shuttles run at normal times
  • Periods 6 & 7 (p.m.) -- shuttles are cancelled

Learn about inclement weather procedures on the FCPS website.