Marshall Academy Uniform Syllabus and Grading Policies
All classes at Marshall Academy will abide by the following uniform policies:
Fairfax County Grading Scale (
A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C+ | C | C- | D+ | D | D- | F |
100 - 93 | 92 - 90 | 89 - 87 | 86 - 83 | 82 - 80 | 79 - 77 | 76 - 73 | 72 - 70 | 69 - 67 | 66 - 63 | 60-62 | 59-50 |
In our Professional Learning Community, our focus is on learning. At Marshall Academy, a student’s grade is based on what students know and are able to do. Assignments must be completed in order to accurately assess what a student knows and is able to do so that appropriate feedback can be given to every student.
Course grades will be separated into two categories within the gradebook, as outlined below.
Category | Definition | Weight | Examples of category assignments |
Summative (Product) | Assessment that measures mastery of standards. Assignments in this category are eligible for reassessment. | 70% | Projects, performance assessments, major writing assignments, presentations, labs, tests, etc. |
Formative (Process) | These are assignments that provide students with feedback on their learning or allow students to practice content. They allow students to understand areas for improvement while learning is in progress prior to a summative assessment.
Up to 10% of the quarter grade may be counted toward homework within this category. | 30% | Quizzes, classwork, homework, exit tickets, etc.
Letter grades may be used for assignments that are designed to be scored using a rubric and assess students based on levels of understanding. These will be clearly communicated to students prior to assessing with a letter grade, and will be uniform across a curriculum team.
Marshall Academy has a minimum grade of 50%. No assignment grade may be lower than 50%. Additionally, the following comment codes will be utilized to clarify student performance:
Comment | Comment Code | What it Means | Score Value |
Not Turned In | NTI | Student has not yet completed an assignment, but may still turn it in. | 50% |
No Longer Accepted | NLA | Student has not completed an assignment and may not turn it in. | 50% |
Minimum Grade Awarded | MIN | Student has attempted an assignment but earned a score below 50%. Grade will be adjusted to 50%. | 50% |
Excused | EXC | Student does not need to complete the assignment. | n/a |
Late | LA | A student turns in an assignment late. Curriculum Teams can designate a penalty up to 10%, which is listed in the syllabus. | n/a |
Retake Score | RS | Student has completed a retake or revision. | n/a |
It is important that students are prepared for assessments and show the most complete evidence of their learning. Students will be given one opportunity to retake summative assessments to achieve a higher grade and demonstrate learning. Retakes will replace the previous grade, up to 100%. When a student retakes an assessment and receives a lower grade, the higher of the two attempts will stand. Students will need to plan remediation time with teachers to ensure they are keeping up with regularly scheduled homework and are able to remediate assessments.
It is expected that students will make up work following any absence and teachers will help the student identify missed work. The majority of make-up work will be found in Schoology. If there is any question about make-up work, the student should contact the individual teacher. Completion of make-up work is encouraged so that students will be prepared for future instruction.
For missed assignments not due to an excused absence, students are still expected to complete all the assignments in a timely manner. Late work will be accepted for all assignments if submitted within two weeks of the due date. Work submitted late may receive a penalty, not to exceed 10%. Please see the syllabus for late penalty information for each course. Students who do not attempt assignments will receive a 50% on any assignment that is not submitted.
Students are expected to abide by all guidelines as described in SR&R and FCPS Acceptable Use Policy agreements. Students who violate any provision of these policies may be prohibited from using computers at any time and may face disciplinary consequences.
Schoology is the primary learning management system (LMS) for Marshall Academy this year. Schoology can be accessed at the top of the Marshall Academy webpage or by going to Students should bookmark this page as they will be using it multiple times per day.
Students having technological issues with their laptop or mi-fi should make a report to the FCPS IT Help Desk by going to this link and filling out and submitting the form.
Parents and guardians have the ability to access students information via SIS:
SIS Parent/guardian create account Log into SIS parent/guardian account SIS Parent/guardian Mobile App
Please remember that each family must fill in the FCPS parental digital resources consent form found on ParentVue to enable their child to use all of the valuable digital resources for each course.
Cell phones may be used on campus before the first bell, after the last bell, during passing periods, and lunches. Phones must be silenced and put away during all instructional periods. Phone accessories are also to be silenced and away when phone use is prohibited. Watches that serve a dual purpose (e.g., smart watch) may be worn. However, phone features (e.g., texting Internet, calls, etc.) are to be off when phone use is prohibited. Teachers will require all students to place their cell phone in a designated cell phone caddy within the classroom. Students are prohibited from using phones, tablets, and other mobile devices in restrooms and locker rooms unless there is a medical necessity or emergency. Teachers may allow usage of cell phones for instructional activities where they are the most appropriate tool, however one-to-one FCPS devices should meet most needs.
Phones are NOT to be taken or used in the bathrooms at any time.
At Marshall Academy, students are fully responsible for completing any missed assignments when they are absent from class (as defined by SR&R Reg. 2601.23). Students who have been absent are expected to check Schoology for missed assignments and contact their teacher. In addition, any school official may request a conference or administer other interventions not directly related to a student’s grade to address excessive absences or tardies, excused or unexcused.
Daily attendance in all classes is imperative for academic success throughout each school year. Being prepared for class includes completing any necessary assignments, being in class before the advertised start time and participating actively in learning each day. Each day of an excused absence affords one school day of make-up work opportunity.
Each unexcused tardy and unexcused absence means missed instruction, loss of work time, and ultimately leads to lower grades. These will lead to parent communication and administrator intervention, which may include consequences.
At Marshall Academy, we believe it is everyone’s right, privilege, and responsibility to contribute to, and work in, an environment of trust and integrity.
We believe that each of us must be honest: in the work we produce and in how we represent ourselves. Honesty is the foundation of good academic work. Students will complete assignments individually or follow teacher guidelines for partner work. Students will not give or seek out unauthorized assistance, cheat or copy. We will properly acknowledge the ideas of others.
When a student is caught cheating, the teacher will inform the parent and administrator, and an appropriate consequence will be administered.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a type of technology that involves computer programming and data. There are many different types of AI tools. Some can use data to make predictions, decisions, and/or generate content. As your teacher, I will specify when it is acceptable for you to use AI on any part of an assignment. We will also review expectations for citing AI and/or how students should explain their use of AI. Students should follow the Honor Code to maintain academic integrity. You should be able to demonstrate that you understand the information you turn in. AI tools can produce false information called “AI hallucinations.” You should always check what AI creates. Make sure it fits the needs of the project and audience. You remain responsible for the content you submit. Students should not use AI on an assignment without the teacher's permission.
Before using AI tools on assignments, students should ask your teacher:
- if AI can be used on any part of an assignment,
- how it can be used,
- how to show your work, and
- how to cite or explain their use of AI.